Saturday, September 24, 2005

Counterdemonstrators Beware, Unless...

Freedom is a messy thing. Really.

Just recently there was an extremely orchestrated demonstration in support of the war on Iraq, sponsored by the Pentagon, at which dissent was prohibited under threat of arrest. Yet, anti-war demonstrations let anybody in, even those who disagree.

Why does the Right fear dissent? I think it goes back to the think/believe spectrum. If pepole are exposed to alternative ideas they might start thinking and perhaps stop believing what they're told.

Shut Up and Get Back in Line!

Why have Bill Frist's HCA deals gotten such attention and the benefits Dick Cheney continues to receive from his Halliburton ties are left largely ignored, even in the face of obvious direct government support in the form of no-bid contracts, etc? Could it have anything to do with Dr. Frist's recent break with the administration over stem cell research?

Then again, he's being treated quite differently from Martha Stewart for much the same activity.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Resist Deliberate Ignorance

I went to the fair last week and saw America. Yikes!

The most dangerous thing about the USA is the overwhelming number of folk who are proud to be ignorant.

"I don't know and I don't care!" seems to be the prevaling sentiment. That explains the ribbon magnets. They're also the ones who send their people to fight (when you can't make the rent, join the Guard!). Cannon fodder. Thinning the ranks of the breeding stock won't help. Their kin still shop at Wal-Mart.

Groundlings. Give them bread and circuses. McDonalds and television. Keep them fat and stupid. Ain't that America?

I'm happily living in the top 5%. Frightened. I'd move to France if I could.

Judges are SUPPOSED to be Active!

What's all the fuss about judicial activism? Checks and balances, America! Judges are, by definition in our ostensible democracy, charged with the obligation to defy the executive and legislative branches in the single-minded pursuit of JUSTICE.

Justice, apparently, is a partisan concept. Just like freedom. They both seem to mean what Republicans want them to mean.

It's about looking at laws and determining whether they are (no irony intended) Fair and Balanced.