Monday, March 13, 2006

Arbeit Macht Fries

Anti-fascist, liberal arts educated, underemployed, overtired...

"Sometimes I just think funny things." (Arthur Bach)

It made me giggle this morning.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Let the War Crimes Trials Begin!

If it's a war (on "terror", on Iraq, on facts, on evolution, on whatever), I'm looking forward to the War Crimes Trials.

Talk about your overflowing prisons! Where will we put them all?

The cartoon is from July 2004. What's changed?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Prefer France

For a variety of reasons, I live in the United States of America. It isn't necessarily my first choice (especially since the forces of evil completed their takeover in 2000), but that's how it goes.

There is a certain contingent of Patriotic Amurcans who, for some reason, have a problem with France. I think it's because the French weren't bullied into supporting Dark Lord Cheney's wealth-transfer scheme that is otherwise known as the War on Iraq. Is there any thinking person left on the planet who believes the French weren't right to doubt the Bush gang on this one?

I took my shoes to be repaired at a little shop over the hill and noticed on a shelf there a combat boot that had been painted pink and a French flag sticking out the top. When asked what it was about, the cobbler said, "the French are pussies; they won't fight." I don't blame them, and I suspect that most of the poor lunks who find themselves on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan wish they were somewhere else, too! (This excludes the ones who are enjoying the opportunity to "make the ragheads pay for 9/11.")

Yep, I'd take a farmhouse in rural France or an apartment in Paris in a second if the opportunity presented itself.