"...if we don’t have an inquest into what happened during the Bush years — and nearly everyone has taken Mr. Obama’s remarks to mean that we won’t — this means that those who hold power are indeed above the law because they don’t face any consequences if they abuse their power."I had wondered as much in an earlier post, suspecting that John McCain would preĆ«mptively pardon the whole gang, should he get elected (see Hey John McCain). This combination pushed my friend S*****'s Bush Button apparently.
S***** K**** at 9:09am January 17

Forgive and forget what???? I am sorry, but President Bush did nothing against the law! He did not abuse his power! He had to face unprecidented struggles and tragedies! He is a wonderful leader and man. People forget so fast how much they loved him right after 9/11. His approval rating was through the roof. Higher than any others! We are an "ADD" nation. The media determines how most people feel about something. He isn't perfect, not by a long shot. But he has done, what in my opinion, was a very good job. But hey, that's just my opinion...
I'm so happy to have Facebook and the capability to find and reconnect with so many people whose paths have crossed mine. I'm even pleased that S***** "friended" me. We've had a great many lively conversations, the last one was when she took umbrage at my Bokononist approach to Christmas and tried so earnestly to save my immortal soul. Another time was when she feared what might happen to the USA if Barak Obama were to be elected President.
It frightens me that there are so many true believers on this amazing planet. Put down the Kool-Aid, turn off Fox News, and open your eyes to as many perspectives as you can find.