The universe's sense of humor has revealed itself once again, and the NeoCon movement is at the forefront with its ongoing and relentless use of the word "freedom" without the slightest acknowledgement of its irony.
They've goose-stepped into Vermont with flags flying, setting up an outpost of an organization that calls itself (with a straight, very straight, face) "FreedomWorks." Declaring its intention to fight for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom, one might guess that these folks are yellow-ribbon-magnet-affixing supporters of the current administration. That's the one that has made significantly higher taxes inevitable with unprecedented deficit spending. The one that has expanded the government's size and power, especially with the ironically named PATRIOT act and Department of Homeland Security.
Freedom means permission to abuse public land and water with ATVs and PWCs, pollute with impunity, and carry any gun one wants. Not, however, to make personal health or marriage decisions if the church ladies can get riled about them. Right?
Yikes. This isn't my America.
"There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
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