It's the first official post of the new year and instead of compaining about the state of this embarrassing country, I'm going to just catalog what's been going on in this kitchen for the last few weeks.
Set the wayback machine to December 30. My lovely bride (my Sue-chef) and a college pal of hers who happened to be visiting spent the day making a variety of interesting stuffings while I deboned a turkey, a duck, and a chicken. The next day we put all together and cooked it for nine hours and... Stunning. At right: our New Year's Eve turducken - three boned birds with stuffing, rolled and tied, roasted, flipped and cross-sectioned.
And there's the bread. To divert myself from the outside world, I carried up the KitchenAid and got to it. I've tried a variety of recipes in search of MY bread. I think I'm reasonably close with one that started as a baguette recipe and has morphed into our house loaf. It works with roasted garlic bonus pieces or without.
Today started with roasting bones that are now simmering in the stock pot. The rondeau is ready to go in after the kindergarten bus gets here. All this is in service of a bouef en daube that's marinating for a gathering on Saturday evening. It's the initiation of my doufeu.
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