Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What's the Opposite of QED?

Q.E.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, which literally means "which was to be demonstrated".

"I do not think that word means what you think it means." (
Inigo Montoya)

Our former classmate, who has been the subject of another post in this blog, is at it again. This time in response to a posting in the New York Times called
The Banality of Bush White House Evil. She took offence, repeatedly and not unexpectedly.

"This is such nonsense! Bush protected our country during his 8 years as our president!!! Not one terrorist attack since. Al Qaeda are terrorists run by Osama Bin Ladin. That is who murdered over 3000 Americans in NY, DC and PA."

[my response: The American people had more to fear from Dark Lord Cheney and Bush than any foreign terrorist. Their actions have led to the deaths of far more Americans (and Iraqis and Afghans) than died on 9/11/2001. The damage they have done to our national reputation and civil liberties (not least in the context of judicial appointments) will take decades to repair. It's an unfair trade for eight years of pillage.]

"Because of a couple of waterboarding to murders??? Or a catepillar in a cell? Oh please. Our reputation from what Obama has done in the last 100 days is far more damaging than anything Bush or Cheney did. Apologizing to our ENEMIES! Putting America down."

"The majority of Americans who voted for Obama are the illiterate, lazy, I need the government to help me idiots that dont have a clue. Obama is a puppet and we are in deep crap with him in office.Even the people that voted for him are wondering what they did. The poles that show his popularity are a joke. They favor him because of the questions asked in the pole that can do nothing but favor him. He is a joke."

[Here are the raw numbers from the elections since 1972.
Obama won 58% of those with post-graduate degrees, etc.]

"Yep Kool-Aid drinkers.. Book smarts and NO street smarts. No one to share a fox hole with. Bill Ayers types You can have them. The Obama string holders have a beef with Bush because they hate the fact that what he did actually worked. Iraq for instance...even Hillary says things are going in the right direction. Pay attention!!!! Obama is keeping the Bush era war plans in play because even he see's that they are working.Your own party is mad at him for this as they are upset that he is letting this torture crap get out. WHY...its only going to hurt us. Our marines waterboard each other in training so this is a bunch of crap also. Obama will not last long...he is a wake up call as was 9/11"

"Obama was a community organizer in a black community...wow. Now he thinks he can run GM and all the banks and health care and everything. He can only run one thing HIS MOUTH! Our enemies laugh behind his back. They know he is weak and has no clue and they are testing him big time...I pray for him that he finally starts to stand behind his country and stop with the apologies, start being a president and stop enjoying the parties etc and get his butt to work for all Americans. Uphold the constitution and stop trying to re write it to fit the far left extremists ideas foe SOCIALISM"

[Is socialism that way of setting the playing field so that everybody gets equal treatment, kind of like that "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" business?
And that is where it stands as I write this blog post.]

So, those of us who voted for the current president illiterate and lazy. I don't know where she studied political science, but I attended the same high school and came out able to spell and use correct grammar. There is a risk when we do drink the Kool-Aid and get opinions prepackaged, often with unintended consequenses. It's easy to blame "them" and latch onto a small bit of information, as with the father I overheard in Florida the other day telling his daughter that the large boat they saw "probably belongs to George Soros."

Ignorance is not bliss. It's dangerous. As the bumper sticker says, it should be painful. Unfortunately, it's the rest of us who feel the pain.

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