Saturday, March 26, 2005

Keep Your Superstitions to Yourself, Please

Enough with the God stuff.

I'm including "one nation, under God" and "in God we trust." I'd like to be rid of it. It has gotten out of hand.

Keep it to yourself, Church Lady.

You (and my mother, for that matter) can revel in being outraged by people who understand (and accept) that there are many kinds of families, including some with two mommies or two daddies.

It's so easy to adopt the "they're picking on us" position when someone points out that you've overstepped the bounds by demanding pseudo-science be taught in public schools. I do pity the kids whose parents send them to schools with curricula that simply reinforces their prejudices and superstitions.

Religion does provide some value. Asking questions like, "How should we live?" and "How should we treat each other?" is a good idea. Gloating about going to heaven while all who disagree with you are eternally punished is unseemly.

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