Saturday, January 29, 2005

embarrassed again

I have had it with American Pride. Pride is, after all, a deadly sin. The reputed punishment is to be broken on the wheel. I'm just waiting for a whimpering return from Iraq with the metaphorical tail between the legs.

When I work in Europe people ask, "What is going on in your country?" They've been asking this for several years. Begining with the persecution of President Clinton through the war on Iraq. I wish I had a good answer.

I have had it with rampant arrogant ignorance. From the churches to Fox News and talk radio, some folks seem to only want their prejudices reinforced.

I believe that one reason Republicans get elected is because they like to take the armed forces out and play with them instead of just using them for sissified things like UN peacekeeping missions.

At the rate this gang is spending, there won't be any money available for war toys and expensive revenge and crony-enrichment adventures for much longer.

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